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Living Life Fully: The Possibility Quotient (PQ)

How can brain science help you manifest your desires?

Yesterday I taught the fourth of my 6-part course that I am volunteering to teach on "The Science Behind The Law of Attraction" at The University of Attraction. If you want to see the slide presentation and Webex video, it is available after registration on this site. The course is based on a recent book that I wrote called "The Science Behind The Law of Attraction" and today, I would like to share the highlights of lesson four with you. Lesson four teaches you how knowledge of what your brain is doing can help you make impossible things possible.

The law of attraction states that in life, you get what you put out. And when you live your life with "possibility" thinking, the world shows you that what you think is possible. But thinking that things are possible is often prevented by several factors which, if addressed, could change the very essence of how you approach life.
One of the broad mistakes we make is that we mostly live "probability lives" rather than "possibility lives." This prevents any new or surprising changes. No great discovery has ever been made when it was highly probable - landing on the moon, flying the first airplane, and serving the fastest tennis serve-have all been highly improbable but achieved nonetheless. When it comes to Roger Bannister's record breaking under 4 minute mile, we learn that he was almost going to give up but came so close just prior to breaking the record, that he had to try at least once more. He did. And he broke the record.

When you feel that life feels impossible - that you are never going to get that lover you desire - or make the money that you want to make -you may want to consider that you are confusing the impossible with one of several other factors. These factors contribute to what I call "the possibility quotient" or PQ - a measure of factors that could be masquerading as impossibility. Sometimes we think that things are impossible, when it is simply that what is happening in our brains makes us feel as though these things are impossible. To determine your PQ, answer the following questions:

1. How burned out are you?
2. How lost do you feel?
3. How much have you given up on your dreams?
4. How hard is it for you to change?
5. How depressed or anxious are you?
6. How much of a pessimist are you?
7. How difficult is it for you to clearly imagine what you want?

Although I am still working out the validity and reliability of this scale, a preliminary way to interpret this would be:
Maximum of 70 and minimum of 7
• 7-19: You have a high PQ
• 20-29: You have a fair PQ but it still limits your life
• 30-39: Your PQ mildly limits your life
• 40-49: Your PQ moderately limits your life
• 50-59: Your PQ severely limits your life
• 60-70: Your PQ is near lethal

If you rank each of these questions between 1-10, with 1 being "not at all", and 10 being "extremely", you will find out what your PQ is. The higher your PQ with this scale, the less you think that things are possible. This could indicate that there are remediable factors that you can change. Briefly:
1. Burnout: Could burnout have caused your brain circuits to "overheat" and do you need to recharge your life?
2. Being lost: Is your brain pulled in too many different directions at the same time?
3. Giving up: Perhaps you have already given up and all your efforts to do anything about your life are simply "going through the motions." How can you get back in the game? How can you get your brain involved again?
4. Conditioning: Are you a victim of your habit brain that makes escaping to a new life seem impossible? How do you engage your habit brain effectively?
5. Depression and anxiety: Your moods can make you feel like things are impossible. Knowing this may help you understand that things are not really impossible. If you address the brian changes with depression or anxiety, things may seem more possible.
6. Attention: When you focus on a chair, you see chairs. When you focus on impossibility, you see impossibility. How can you redirect your brain's attentional center to possibility?
7. Imagination: This is key to manifesting what you want, and involves specific skills that I covered in lessons 2 and 3. Suffice it to say - imagining the possible may lead you to a genuine way out. Your imagination brain includes your action brain. Once you warm up your action brain by imagining, you are on your way.

As an exercise try breaking up your current goals into more believable short-term goals first. Then, address each of the above and monitor that over time. This is likely to at least give you an impression of what your PQ is and how you can improve it over time. The way that this relates to the law of attraction is that possibility is the fuel of intention. It is the willingness to walk on an unknown path to discover that which you do not know. By feeding intention with a high PQ, you increase the power of your brain to attract to you what you desire.

More from Srini Pillay M.D.
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